Types / Kinds of Start-UP Entrepreneurs

Start-UP Entrepreneurs are those who carry on the business in its early stage of life. There are many forms of start-up entrepreneurs. Here, you must be noted that businesses can be run either with the use of internet or without using it or either full time online business can also be established with the use of Internet.

Start-up businesses may include larger to smaller based businesses like, online home based business, consulting services, blogging, freelancing, accounting firms, legal advisers, Online teaching like becoming instructor in udemy, article writings, manufacturing companies, selling of finished products or services like in Amazon, seller can sell their products to their buyers through Amazon. Google provides useful information to users.

1. Small Home Based Business

Types-Kinds of Start-UP EntrepreneursIn this business, people can sell their products directly from their home either physically or virtually. Physically means selling through their homes like establishing beauty and health care center, home based teaching facilities, etc., and virtually means selling the products online like selling products through E-Commerce web site like selling the E-Book, Provide SEO Services Online, etc.

2. Services Businesses

Services businesses are easy to establish because it requires less investment to start the business. Businesses like provide services through website require less investment i.e. buying domain and web hosting, buying themes, etc. Other services businesses are consulting services like legal advice, medical advice, etc.

3. Blogging

Blogging is basically a business where your turn your passion into profit. You want to introduce your knowledge, your expressions through online to online world and when visitors comes to your site or free blog, they get information and can view advertisements of top advertising networks like Google, Infolinks, Media.net and other famous top advertising networks. They can also buy products through your affiliate link or buy your own services.

4. Freelancing

Freelancing is a virtual business since there is no physical existence of the marketplace. Top Freelancing and easy platform is Fiveer.com where every gig or service you can sell for $5. You will earn $4 and one dollar is the earning of Fiveer. You can also buy services from them for minimum $5.

Other Freelancing Platform is Upwork. This platform requires experience and you have to pass some professional courses to be eligible for the position.

5. Article Writings

If you are a writer, then you can write articles or write books and sell to your buyers physically or online directly or indirectly. If you perform article writing services by establishing a website, then you provide article writing services directly, but if you use other platforms like joining programs of companies then you provide article writing services indirectly or through these companies to your clients. There are many platforms where you provide article writing services and you can write articles for your clients and get your rewards.

6. Manufacturing Entrepreneurs

These companies manufacture different products like Cloths sewing, Making Baby toys, manufacturing ice creams, making Sweets, etc and sell to retail markets are examples of manufacturing entrepreneurs.

7. Selling of Finished Products

Selling of Finished Products like Biscuits, Juices, Cosmetic Products, Ice Creams, etc., of Manufacturing Products are example of Sellers Entrepreneurs. Manufacturing Companies contact these independent sales persons and offer their products at wholesaler or retailer basis.

8. Produce Updated and Innovative Products or Services

Some entrepreneurs produce new and innovative products or services to the market. Google, Yahoo, Bing and other search engines are providing new and updated, relevant and useful search information to users. Apple provides latest and innovative IPhone, IPad, IPod, Safari Web Browser and other products to the market and influence customers.

So, these are the some of the types or kinds of start-up entrepreneurs.
