
Which Of The Following Is Not Normally An Objective Of Financial Reporting?

The correct choice is d), as usually, it is not the main purpose or objective of Financial Reporting to provide the liquidation value of an entity and, normally, it is prepared to provide information of ongoing or carrying on business (based on going-concern concept) which is still not going into liquidation near future. In fact, it provides information of companyā€™s financial performance and financial position, cash flows activities, movements of equity, profitability, liquidity, etc., to Users of Financial Information both internal users such as Owners, Board of Directors, Management, Employees and external users such as Shareholders, Investors, Creditors, Suppliers / Vendors, Professional Bodies such as Audit Firms & Law Agencies, Government, etc. However, in case of liquidation of the business, or when the entity wants to check the investment opportunities for investors or lending risks for creditors i.e., whether the entity will pay to creditors out of its physical asse...

Once The Adjusted Trial Balance Is Balanced, It Can Be Used To Prepare The

The correct choice is (b), as after the preparation of Unadjusted Trial Balance , there is a need to make Adjustments to the accounts due to Accruals And Deferrals at the end of the period. After that Adjusted Trial Balance is prepared completely to reflect updated balances of accounts. Then we are in a position to prepare Financial Statements which include Income Statement, Statement of Stockholdersā€™ Equity and classified balance sheet. Income statement shows Net Income or Net Loss for the period. Net income is the excess of revenues over expenses during the accounting period while net loss is occurred when expenses are greater than revenues for the current period. A classified Balance shows the equality of balances of assets, liabilities and equity on a particular day which may change on the next day. A statement of shareholdersā€™ equity shows the changes or movements of equity over a period of time i.e., from the beginning to the yearā€™s end. This statement shows information abo...

Internal Users Of Accounting Information Include A Company's Stockholders. True Or False?

Important Example Of External User Of Accounting Information This statement is ā€œfalseā€, as stockholders or shareholders are not participating in the decision-making process eventhough they become the owners of the corporation / company by buying stocks / shares, especially, in case of large and popular company, as they spread around the world, so they canā€™t make decision and control day-to day businessā€™ operations. However, top management i.e., board of directors are internal users of company and they manage and control the business activities on the behalf of the owners of the companyā€™s business. They are in a good position to manage the business operations and are held responsible for the performance and financial health of the companyā€™s business. They define overall objectives & goals, set directions and make strategic planning to achieve those objectives and goals set in the strategic planning i.e., making vision, mission and objectives and goals for the company at corporat...

These Users Of Accounting Information Are Not Directly Involved With The Business Enterprise

The correct answer is b. External Users, as these types of users are outsiders for the companyā€™s business which are not directly and internally see the business enterprise. They are outside stakeholders who are interested in the financial performance and financial reports of the business. These Users Of Accounting Information Or Users of Financial Statements include investors (shareholders / stockholders), lenders or creditors or suppliers, customers, financial institutions (such as banks, investment companies, etc.), government, professionals (such as law firms), regulatory authorities and others. An investor is interested in the Profitability , liquidity and return on their investment. All of these information can be obtained from the financial reports and analysis of financial reports of the business enterprise. On the other hand, internal users are directly and internally involved in the day-to day business activities. They are more capable to operate, manage and grow the b...

The Ability To Provide Financial Rewards To Attract And Retain Financing Is Called

The correct answer is (C) Profitability , as due to it the company is able to give benefits, incentives to its employees and meet the cost of running the business. The Profit is obtained after deducting Expenses from Revenues . The company is able to finance different projects of the business after meeting all the expenses of the business. Such company can attract and convince investors to invest in the business as due to profitability, the company / corporation is in a position to distribute its share of return to its shareholders / stockholders. It shows the financial performance of the company during the accounting period that how well it is able to get profits from its revenues, resources and equity after meeting all the relevant expenses i.e., how well the company is utilizing its resources to get profits. Profitability is important for the companyā€™s business to finance its various business activities in order to run the business, to Stabilize The Business and to gro...

A Debit Journal Entry To The Cash Short And Over Account Is Used To Record A Cash Shortage

Cash Short And Over Account is an Income Statement Account recorded in case of cash discrepancy, i.e., there is a disagreement between actual cash in hand and recorded cash in the ledger. This statement is ā€œTrueā€, as when there is a case of Cash Shortage, then it is a loss to the companyā€™s business as actual cash received is less than the recorded one. So, it is an expense / loss which is represented by a debit in the journal entry. As cash is decreasing, so we credit it in recording the entry. As the amount of such shortage is very small, so we recorded it in Income Statement under the category ā€œOther Expensesā€. On the other hand, when actually the excess cash is received more than the recorded or expected cash to be received , then it is a revenue account for the business. As the cash account is increasing, so we debit it in recording cash overage journal entry. The excess amount received by the cashier of the company is overpayment which belongs to the rights or ownersh...

After Which Of The Following Errors Would The Adjusted Trial Balance Totals Not Agree?

The correct answer is b), as a debit to Accounts Receivable Account was inadvertently posted to the credit of Accounts Payable Account and hence as a result, the credit column balance of Adjusted Trial Balance (ATB) exceeded as compare to debit column balance, so there is a shortage in the debit column balance with the exact amount credited in credit column balance of Adjusted Trial Balance. For example, a debit of $500 to Accounts Receivable Account is wrongly credited in Accounts Payable Account creates $500 deficiency on debit column balance and an increase in credit column balance of ATB due to which it does not balance and shows error which must be corrected by debited accounts payable account and added the amount to accounts receivable account. So, in this case ATB did not agree and it is detected or shown by ATB.