Sales Discount Journal Entry

Sales Discount is a Contra Revenue Account for the business because it reduces the Revenues of the business, but, in fact, increases revenues ( Sales ) later on because it generates huge Sales if successfully worked. But it is offered to customers in the forms of Promo Codes, Discount Coupon Code, Special Discount Offers to influence the customers to buy the goods at the cheapest prices and ultimately, sales will be increases that enhance the Net Income / Net Profit at the end. I n Accou nti ng, Sales Discou nt mea ns the co ncessio n give n by the seller to the buyer o n selli ng price, if the buyer makes payme nt before due date. But, it ca n also be give n whe n the seller offers differe nt packages for goods a nd services to buyers. The seller ca n give Sales Discou nt to buyer due to Old customer or it is the policy of compa ny to offer Sales Discou nt to Customer at 50% Off or whatever promotio n, they wa nt ...