Is Accounts Payable A Real Account Nominal Account Or A Personal Account

Accounts Payab le or Sundry Creditor is a Real Accou nt as it a Perman ent Account w h ic h is transferred to b ala nce s h eet and not a nominal account w h ic h is a Temporary Accoun t t h at is closed to Income Statement finally for t h e period. It is also considered as a Personal Account as it relates to natural persons w ho are the suppliers of the compa ny and havi ng different names suc h as Mr. A, Mr. B , Mr. C, etc., and he nce Accounts Payab le or Su n dry Creditors accou nt is created to represents all of t he suppliers of the compa ny from w hom the b usi ness purc hased goods o n account or credit. For example, if t here are three suppliers of the compa ny named as Mr. A, Mr. B a nd Mr. C, t he n to represent t hese suppliers, a certai n account name is created w hich is called as āAccou nts Payab leā that represe nts all of t he suppliers of the compa ny from w hom the compa ny purc hased goods o n account or credit. ...