If The Debit Portion Of An Adjusting Entry Is To An Asset Account, Then The Credit Portion Must Be To A Liability Account (True / False)

If The Debit Portion Of An Adjusting Entry Is To An Asset Account Then The Credit Portion Must Be To

The Answer Is "False"

If the debit portion of an Adjusting Entry is to an Asset Account, then the credit portion must be a Liability is false as when we debit a Prepaid Expense Account or an Accrued Revenue Account as a Current Asset, then we credit an Expense Account or a Revenue Account.

The following adjusting entries in which the debit portion shows a Prepaid Expense Account or an Accrued Revenue Account and credit portion shows an Expense Account or a Revenue Account are shown below:


                                  Prepaid Expense a/c  XXX

                                                                               Expense a/c XXX

                                                      (Expense Unexpired For The Period)



                                       Accrued Revenue a/c  XXX


                                                                                   Revenue a/c  XXX

                                          (Accrued Revenue Earned But Not Received In Cash / Bank)aricle
