In Which Account Are Post-Dated Checks Received Classified?

Solution: The correct answer of this MCQ is A), as post-dated checks / cheques are encashed or deposited into bank only when the date mentioned on it arrives. When the company / corporation received it, it is considered as an assets ( Account Receivables ) from which the company will get benefit on stated date. It is a promise from clients to pay to company on given date. It can be considered as a promise or evidence of Advance Payment to be received on the specified date stated on it. The clients / customers are still liable to pay to company in case of Dishonor of Checks. Post Dated Check / Cheque Journal Entry Before the arrival of specified date mentioned on post-dated check or when it is received from a customer, the company neither records it as a cash receipts nor reduce the balance of Accounts Receivables, so there is no Journal Entry to record in the Books Of Accounts . So, there is no effect on Accounting Equation and Financial Statements . However, on sp...