Material Immaterial Accounting Concepts - GAAP

Material Immaterial Accounting Concepts
Here we study about Material Immaterial Accounting Concepts that are the principles of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP). Previously, we have discussed about Materiality Concept Accounting Example. If you do not read this article, then kindly read it so that you can better learn this topic.

Materiality is the concept which states that information that can influence the economic decisions of the users of financial statements.

An Immaterial is the concept in which an item is insignificant to affect the economic decisions of the users of financial statements of the company businesses.

The question about as to whether an information or item is material or immaterial depends on the nature of the item or information and to include it into your financial statement section “Notes to the Accounts”.

Following are the Factors upon which Materiality may depend:

Ø If the treatment of an item changes the trends or turns the profit into a loss or when the materiality affects the solvency ratios of balance sheet of company businesses, then we do not apply it in wider way, but treat it as an immaterial item.

Ø If the company businesses earns unusual less profits or faces loses during the Accounting Cycle, then the concepts should apply with the normal operating activities of the company businesses. Such information provided in the Notes To The Accounts can affects the economic decisions of the users of financial statements.

Ø Any small item can not be treated as immaterial because there is probable that this small amount may become larger in future so it influences the economic decisions of users of financial statements.

Ø Offsetting the items with each other can only be made when it is significant to provide the information separately. The result after offsetting the items may be immaterial but to show only the net results can not give to users of financial statements a true and fair view of financial statements of company businesses. In case of addition of larger number of small items, it is also required to provide aggregated amount alongwith the each separate small amounts of each small items.

Hopefully, now you will be able to learn the topic Material Immaterial Accounting Concepts in General Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP)
