
Here we discuss about Oligopoly.

Oligopoly Definition

We can define Oligopoly as:

Oligopoly- Economics“It is the market model in which there are very few sellers producing either homogenous (Similar) or differentiated products and where the decision making powers of the firm depend on the expected reactions of other market firms and also the entry to the market is difficult or blocked by big firms”.

Examples of Oligopoly Market Model include Automobiles Companies, Software House Companies, Air-Lines, Oil Producing and Exporting Countries.

Features or Characteristics of Oligopoly

1. Few Sellers

It is a market situation in which the number of firms or sellers is very few. They produce similar or differentiated products.

2. Interdependence

In this market model, since there is good substitute of the products, so the policies of one producer significantly affect the decisions making powers of other sellers. One can see Higher Cross Elasticity of Demand, so the pricing, output decisions of one firm are considered by other firms.

3. Advertisement

Due to Substitution and interdependence of one seller to another, there is much competition on them. So they spend money on advertisements. You can say that “Advertising can become a life and death matter in this market Model”.

4. Competition

You can find true competition prevailing among few sellers. There are rivals against rivals.

5. Lack of Uniformity

Another characteristic of oligopoly market is the lack of uniformity in size of firms. You can see that some firms are small and some are really big firms. So, you can say that “Uniformity is Rare”.

6. Demand Curve

As there is there is no uniformity of firms, so you can draw exact behaviors patterns of producers or sellers and hence as a result demand curve can not be drawn accurately with definiteness.

7. No Unique Pattern of Pricing Behavior

There is no unique pattern of pricing in oligopoly because there is rivals’ agreement among firms with regard to price control and output changes. It leads to Monopoly under Oligopoly. For Example, OPEC Countries determine the prices and output of oil on daily basis to control the market behavior.

8. Difficult To Entry

Since there is true competition among fellers and there are rivals among rivals, so new sellers can not be easily entered into the market. There are lots of Market Barriers in the form of Government Restrictions, Licensed Patents and other challenges faced by a new firm intended to enter into the market.

So, it is all about Oligopoly Market Model.
