Top Marketing Issues Faced By New Entrepreneurs

Top Marketing Issues In MarketingHere we discuss about top most important marketing issues faced by new entrepreneurs when they want to manage and grow their business.

As we know that Marketing is the process in which different types of companies highlights the different aspects of their products and services to create a strong value in the eye of consumers and induce them to buy or atleast test the products and services. The Marketing Strategy depends upon on this fact that how much an advertisers create value for customers and build a strong relationship among customers and get better results in return.

Basically, the main goal of Marketing is “To Create Value For Customers and Get Better Results In Return”.

The Marketing Campaign is not an easy task and lot of efforts are made to achieve this main goal of marketing mentioned above. So, in promoting the products and services, new entrepreneurial firms face many marketing challenges, the most important of them are discussed one by one below:

1. Segmenting And Selecting The Target Market

It is the most important challenge faced by every new entrepreneurial firm that which segment of market is to target. The answer to this question decides the niche of the entrepreneurial firm. Many factors play an important role in selecting the target’s market. A company may target market based on Gender, Region, Age, Cultural, Social Factors and many other factors.

If the entrepreneur decides to target market based on Gender, then products or services should be made in such a way that meet the demands of targeted customers. For Example, if the entrepreneur is willing to carry on the business of shoes, then shoes must be fulfilled the demand of customers. Quality and innovative shoes should be manufactured to satisfy customers.

While selecting the market segments, an entrepreneur chooses only that segment of market that is most viable and prospect for the business. Also at the startup of Business, an Entrepreneur has limited resources, so he / she should focus only one market segment at a time that is more viable and prospect for the business.

Market can also be segmented based on products, price, customers ‘demands and behaviors. For Example, we divide the Electronics market into different market segments based on products, like Computers, Fans, Fridge, Radio, Television, etc. We can divide the market based on prices, wholesale markets, Retailer Markets, Customer Markets, etc. Market can also be divided based on costumers’ behaviors and demands, like during summer season, more and more Air Color are needed, Ice Creams are high in demand in these days, Special leather designing liked by women and men, children, etc.

Within the selected segment chosen by an entrepreneur, he / she can target the niche market that consists of narrow customers having similar interests in it. So, an entrepreneur targets specific group of customers within that selected segment. For Example, An Entrepreneur can sell special shoes only to Teenager.

2. Establishing A Unique Position In The Market

It is the most important step for an entrepreneur to establish a unique position in the market that satisfy customers and differentiate it from its competitors. If the entrepreneurs to do something better that others and that is not doing by other competitors, then it will make entrepreneur unique in the market. If an Entrepreneur provides quality products and services at cheaper price than his / her competitors, then customers will be satisfied and the entrepreneur attains unique position in the market. Customers love to buy products or services from that company because of its unique position established in the market and for which the company is well known among its customers.
For Example, Google is the best Search Engine as it provides updated and useful information to users and it is very simple to use unlike Yahoo and other search engines. This quality makes unique position of Google in the Market of Search Engine.

3. What Products or Services Can Do For Customers?

The entrepreneur must focus on “what the business gives benefits to customers if they buy its products or services. Rather than emphasizing on features of products or services, the entrepreneurs show to the customers that what benefits and results they get when they purchase the products or services. If the entrepreneur only shown the features of products or services, like Good Packaging, Designing, Demands, etc., then the customers may not buy the products or services but if the entrepreneur shows that after purchasing products or services, the lives of customers will become more convenient than before. For Example, the customers are more willing to buy the car if the entrepreneur emphasizes on the benefits of the car. He / She can say that this car has good breaks and used less petrol for long distance travelling. Also the seats of the car is more flexible and relaxable than previous Car Model.

4. Establishing Strong Brand’s Name Among Customers

If the entrepreneur fails to build a strong Brand’s Image among customers, then the company can’t make successful Marketing of its products and services. A Brand is a set of Attributes that are positive or negative. If the company has good image among its customers because they find the company Innovative, Trustworthy, Effective in the market, etc. But, if the company has bad image among customers, then there may be the result of outdated products and services, poor customer services, Lower Quality and Expensive Products and Services, etc.

Brand creates Loyal Customers for the Entrepreneurship. Brand Management is used to protect and monitor the image and value of Brand among Customers’ Minds, its thoughts and perceptions. Any Right Negative Thoughts among customers like poor Customer Service, Delivering Low Standard Products and Services, etc. are handled by this management team to correct these problems immediately, shortly and in the long run.

Creating Strong Brand’s Name is very important for an entrepreneur, especially for Start-Up Entrepreneurs. A strong Brand’s Name among customers not only creates Loyalty but also creates strong personality of the company in the mind of Customers.

So, these are the most important Marketing Issues Faced By An Entrepreneur at the Start-Up of the Business.
