Stockholders Equity Formula
Stockholders Equity is calculated through different methods and Formulas. In the previous article, We already studied about “How To Calculate Stockholders Equity”. In this article, Stockholders Equity was calculated by preparing Statement of Stockholders Equity. If you don’t read this article, then you can study this article as well in order to get better understanding
of this particular topic.
Stockholders Equity is the Rights of Shareholders who invested in the company’s business. Stockholders Equity is Calculated Through Accounting Equation Or Shares Capital, Reserves, Shares Premium, Retained Earnings, Net Income / Net Loss or Net Profit / Net Loss and other Dividends.
Mathematically, we can write as:
Opening Stockholders Equity XXX
Shares Capital XXX
Reserves XXX
Shares Premium XXX
Retained Earnings XXX
Net Income / Net Loss (XXX)
Dividends (XXX)
Closing Stockholders Equity XXX
In case of Accounting Equation, Stockholders Equity is Equal to the difference between Assets And Liabilities as shown below:
Equity = Assets - Liabilities
We find the value of Assets and Liabilities from Balance Sheet or though Accounting Ratios in order to find out Equity or Stockholders Equity.
So, available Methods and Formulas are used to calculate Stockholders Equity.