What is Journalizing - 5 Steps In Journalizing With Order of Steps To Journalize An Entry In Accounting

For Example, Mr. A, as a Sole Proprietor started business with Cash Rs. 20000.
The Format of Journal
Date Particulars / Description L/F Debit Credit
2018 Rs. Rs.
1st July Cash a/c 3 20000
Capital a/c 5 20000
(Business Started Witch Cash)
1. Enter the Date
A Journal always records business transactions date-wise or chronologically. It is written on first column. It contains Year, Month along with date as shown in the above format.
2. Enter the Debit Accounts And Amount
In the second column, debit accounts are recorded with the amount on debit column as in our example Cash is debited with the amount of Rs. 20000 in debit column.
3. Enter the Debit Accounts With Amount In Credit Column
All of those accounts which are credited are written in this column along with the amount in Credit Columns.
4. Ledger Folio
The page number of Ledger Book where concerned accounts are posted or transferred from Journal to concerned Subsidiary Ledgers are written in this column.
5. Explanation or Narration of Journal Entry
In this step, a brief explanation of business transaction is written on Particulars / Description Column just before the debits and credit account to show what accounting treatment is
made with accounts and as result we can easily know the reasons why accounts are debited and which accounts are credited.
So, these are 5 steps of Journalizing with the order in sequence when you journalize an entry in a Journal.