What Are Identifiable Assets In Accounting
Identifiable Assets are the Assets owned and controlled by the acquired or purchasing company which purchased the business of Acquiree’s business after setting Purchase Price Allocation. These assets provide probable future economic benefits to the business of the acquirer’s company. We assign a fair market value to these Types / Kinds of Assets and recorded in the Financial Statements of the purchaser’s company.
Identifiable Assets include both Tangible Assets and Intangible Assets except Goodwill. The net Identifiable Assets are calculated to compare it with the purchase price. If the purchase is more than the fair market value of net Identifiable Assets (Fair
Market Value of Indentifiable Assets - Total Values of Liabilities assumed), then the acquirer / purchasing company will surely buy the business of acquiree as it has more worth than the values of net identifiable assets of acquiree
company’s business.
Examples of identifiable assets include Furniture & Fixture, Land & Buildings, Plant & Machinery, Office Equipment, Vehicles, Patents, etc.