What Are Impaired Assets In Accounting
Impaired Assets are those Assets which have less fair market value than carrying value / book value shown on the Balance Sheet when we test these Types / Kinds of Assets for Impairment. Examples are Fixed Assets / Non Current Assets, Intangible Asset such as Goodwill and Current Asset like Accounts Receivable.
Due to Physical Usage, Obsolescence, etc. the recoverable amount or fair market value of assets decreases as compare to carrying value so Impairment Loss is recognized in Income Statement
in such accounting in which it is incurred.
Impairment Assets Journal Entry
Impairment Loss a/c XXX
Accumulated Depreciation a/c XXX
Asset a/c XXX
(Impairment Loss On Asset Recognized For The Accounting Period)
For Example, If building has cost Rs. 900000, Carrying Value is Rs. 450000 (900000 - 4500000) Accumulated Depreciation for 5 Years is Rs. 450000. The Fair Market Value of buildings declined
to Rs. 400000 due to flood across the building, then what is Impairment Loss and what is journal entry to record in the Journal Or Book of company’s business.
As we know that:
Impairment Loss = Fair Market Value / Recoverable Amount - Carrying Value
= 400000 - 450000 = Rs. (50000)
Now, we record the following entry as shown below:
Impairment Loss a/c 50000
Accumulated Depreciation - Building a/c 450000
Building a/c 500000
(Impairment Loss On Building Recognized)
Impairment Loss is recorded on the Income Statement and building account is also reduced with an equal amount of Impairment Loss on balance sheet.