Difference Between Primary And Secondary Books of Accounts

The differe nce b etween Primary B ooks of Accounts ( B ooks of Prime E ntry) and Secondary B ooks of Accounts ( B ooks of Secondary E ntry) is that Primary B ooks are Books of Original Entries or Books of Prime Entries to record Business Transactions Chronologically (Date-Wise) from Voucher while Secondary B ooks of Accounts are Books of Final Entries where Accounts are Finally recorded separately i.e., in a classified form, to show closing b alances to be transferred to Trial Balance at end of the accounting period. Examples of Primary B ooks of Accounts are Cash B ook, Sales Day B ook, Purchases Day B ook, etc while Secondary B ooks of Accounts include Cash B ook, Purchases Account, Sales Account, Capital Account, etc. Another name for Journal is Primary B ooks of Accounts, B ooks of Original Entry or B ooks of Prime Entry...