How To Record Discounts In Accounting - Definition And Meaning - Explanation
What is Discount In Accounting? | Accounting Treatment Of Different Types Of Discounts
It is an allowance given to buyers to influence them to buy goods / products or services at cheaper prices. Ultimately, it increases the Sales of the business.
Recording of it in Accounting depends upon different types of discounts. The main types of discounts are Purchases Discount, Sales Discount, Discount Received, Discount Allowed, Cash Discount and Trade Discount.
Now, we will discuss about the journal entries related to these specific types.
For Purchases Disc., we record the following entry as shown below:
Accounts Payable a/c XXX
Purchases Disc. a/c XXX
For Sales Disc, the entry would be as shown below:
Sales Disc. a/c XXX
Accounts Receivable a/c XXX
For Cash Disc., we consider two types of discounts:
(i) For Disc. Allowed, it is a Contra Revenue Account for the business as it reduces the amount of sales account, so we record the following entry:
Cash a/c XXX
Disc. Allowed a/c XXX
Accounts Receivable a/c XXX
(ii) For Disc. Received from Suppliers of goods, the following entry is recorded:
Accounts Payable a/c XXX
Cash a/c XXX
Disc. Received a/c XXX
Here Discount Received is a Contra Expense Account for the business as it reduces the amount of Purchases Account , so we credit it. Discount Received is deducted form Gross Purchases on Income Statement.
Trade Discount is a reduction in the catalog price given to buyers when they buy in bulk. It is not recorded in the Books of Accounts as it is already settled before recording in the invoice documents exchanged between, company, wholesalers and retailers. For example, if the catalog price for each item of the same product is Rs. 500, then the
seller may give 20% trade disc. to buyer. In that case, the net amount, i.e., 500 - (500 X 20/100) = Rs. 400 is recorded by both buyer and seller in the respective invoice documents and there is a no need to create a separate
trade discount account.