Foreign Currency Exchange Rate - Currency Exchange Rate
Here we discuss about the foreign currency exchange rate. Firstly, we must understand what foreign exchange rate is. Basically, it is the rate at which one currency is converted or exchanged with another currency. For example, we can say that the rate set for Euro to Dollar is 1.09, means 1Euro = 1.09 Dollar, 1 Dollar = Rs.100, and so on.
We can use Currency Converter to find out live rates.

The value of one currency is increased when the purchasing power of one’s country is increased and vice versa. Every Country has its own currency different from others. There is no common medium of exchange between them. So exchange rate is used to transact between two countries. Exchange rate is determined with help of demand and supply for foreign currencies. The more demand of foreign currency the higher the exchange rate and vice versa.
for foreign exchange rate depends upon many factors, the most important of them
are Imports of goods, Tourism, Overseas, Remittances, grants, etc.
for foreign exchange is affected by exports, foreign investments, as well above
mentioned factors for demand for foreign exchange.
we discuss about the factors affecting exchange rate:
ü Imports
more imports of a country, the more adverse effect on the exchange rate
because the more value of local currency decreases and the demand for foreign currency
ü Exports
exports of a country have a direct relationship with the supply of foreign
exchange. The more exports of a country the more favorable for the value of the
local currency and hence the result is lowering the foreign currency.
ü Exploration of Natural Resources
a country explores more natural resources, the chances are that it becomes self-sufficiency
and independent and ultimately exports increase to gain foreign reserves.
ü Tourism
Tourists are also major source of increasing exchange reserves which ultimately
increase the rate of foreign exchange in favor of local currency.
ü Overseas, Remittances and Grants
people living abroad, remittances and grants from abroad countries to home land
are also helpful in increasing foreign exchange rate for the home country.
is important to note that Grants are not good for the independence of a
country. However, it is important in case of natural disasters like Floods, Earthquake,
a days, the importance of trade is increased due to which exchange of currency
is vital for business transactions. The development of a country depends upon
the value of money used for business transactions.
after studying above topic Foreign Exchange Currency Rate, we can say that the
international trade is possible only with the help of this standard foreign
exchange rate set among countries.
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