What does Management Mean - Principles of Management

Here we discuss about the most important topic What Does Management Mean

Management is the process of planning, organizing, staffing (HRM), leading and controlling the organization to accomplish goals. It is the most important subject for any organization and ignoring this subject leads to the failure of the organization. The study of this subject is wide and it covers various areas departments like Sports Club, Accounting, Finance and so on.

Every process is very important in achieving the goals set for the success of the organization.

What does Management MeanPlanning

Management starts with Planning that sets our goals towards end results. Planning may be Start-Up Plans that set at top level and Operational Plans that set at middle and bottom line management.


Organizing the Planned Data is the second step.  All the set Goals to accomplish end results are properly organized. Vision, Mission Statement, Plans, Goals, Objectives and Strategies, are made for achieving the success.

Staffing (HRM)

Now after organizing organization’s plans, it is time to hire suitable human resources for the organization that accomplish goals set in the planning stage. Selection, Recruiting, Rewarding and Appraising the employees are parts of HRM.

Leading (Leadership)

This Stage is positively related with Management. A Manager is not only a good planner but also a good leader in accomplishing the goals of the organization. A manage is considered to be a leader who starts from himself / herself and set an example for lower level management.


It is the final and last stage. In this stage, Prevention, Detection and Correction of setting goals are made so that goals should be accomplished according to our plan. The actual performance is compared with the estimated performance. Monitoring, Evaluation and Accuracy are the parts of Controlling Process.


The Most important person is obviously a “Manager”, who manages the affairs of states of the organization. Successful Managers plan for the success of the organization and know well how to run the organization efficiently and effectively.

Hierarchy of Management

   Top Level (Chief Executive)

   Middle Level (Branch Manager)

   Bottom Level (Workers, Individuals)

The flow of Communication travels from top to bottom or bottom to top or one department to another department. Front-Line Manager set goals which must be followed by middle and bottom line Managers to achieve the desired end results. The communication from the bottom create grapevine that is social communication channel in an organization. But it is a great way of feedback for upper level management.

Vision is always created by founder of the organization and it is related to future and it is different from the Mission Statement of the Organization.

Note: Vision means what you want to become in future and mission statement is the purpose of the organization for which it is created.
Middle line managers follow the guidelines from the upper Management and then mange the bottom line management or staff.

So after studying “What does Management mean” we can say Management plays an important role for the success of the organization. Efficient and Effective Management lead towards success so if an organization failed to achieve the end results then it may be due to failure of the Management.
