Journal Entry For Loan Given To Employee

Advance Loan To Employee Journal EntryLoan given by a company or corporation to an employee is an advance payment to him / her. It is a Current Asset if it is used within one year, otherwise it is a Non Current Asset / Fixed Assets.

The Journal Entry to record loan payment is shown below:

             Loan To Employees a/c / Advance To Employee (Mr.A)  XXX

                                                                                   Cash a/c / Bank a/c  XXX

                                                            (Loan Given To Employee)

At the end of the month, when this loan is deducted from Salary of the employee every month until it is fully repaid by the employee, then following Entry is recorded as shown below:

                                   Salary (Mr. A)  XXX

                                  Advance To Employee a/c  XXX

                                                                                    Cash a/c / Bank a/c  XXX

                                  (Portion Of Loan Is Deducted From Salary Of Employee, Mr. A)

For Example, if the company gives a loan to an employee, Mr. A of Rs. 500000. The Salary Of Mr. A is Rs. 100000. Every Month Rs. 10000 is deducted from the salary of employee

When Loan Is Given To Mr. A

   Loan To Employees a/c / Advance To Employee (Mr.A)  500000

                                                                            Cash a/c / Bank a/c  500000

                                                                  (Loan Given To Employee)

When the amount of Advance payment is deducted from the Salary of the employee, Mr. A, then following entry is recorded:

                                      Salary (Mr. A)  100000

                                    Advance To Employee a/c  10000

                                                                               Cash a/c / Bank a/c  90000

                                   (Portion Of Loan Is Deducted From Salary Of Employee, Mr. A)

Salary Account is recorded on Income Statement. Loan to employee or advance payment is recorded as a Current Asset on balance Sheet.
