Credit Balance In Debtors Control Ledger Account

Credit Balance of Debtors Control Ledger Account

Negative Balance In Accounts Receivable Control Ledger Account / Debtors Control Ledger Account

It may happen that a Debtor Control Ledger Account or Accounts Receivable Control Ledger Account shows a credit balance but usually it is not the case. Usually, it shows debit balance as it shows the amount to be collected from all customers for goods or merchandise sold on account or credit by the company. Actually, due to some reasons such as advances from customers or wrong information entered, etc., the negative or unusual balance (Credit Balance) of Debtor Control Ledger account is recorded.

Each individual Debtors Subledgers or Subsidiary Ledger Accounts are prepared for each customers so that the sum of closing balances of debtors subsidiary ledger accounts is finally transferred to one master ledger that is debtor control ledger account.

Example: Suppose a Company XYZ sold goods to its 5 customers. The ending balances of these individuals customers accounts is given below:


From Customer - A’s Ledger (Credit Balance)                            (4000)

From Customer - B’s Ledger (Credit Balance)                            (3000)

From Customer - C’s Ledger (Debit Balance)                              2000

From Customer - D’s Ledger (Debit Balance)                              1000

From Customer - E’s Ledger (Debit Balance)                              1200

Total In Debtors Control Ledger Account (Credit Balance)          (2800)

This credit balance of Rs. 2800 of debtors control ledger account is transferred to Balance Sheet with account’s name “Advances From Customers” as a Current Liability.
