What Happens If A Management Plan Is Not Prepared

Can A Business Be Successful Without Planning? As Ma nagement is concerned wit h pla nning, organizing, staffing, leading and controlling activities, so if a management plan is not prepared or not prepared well i.e., it is incomplete, t he n it lacks t he mai n b asic fu nction of management i.e., Planning. So, wit hout proper planning, no business will be run successfully or it will b e surely no grow and eventually may fail or shutdown / closedown. Poor management and lack of planning are important causes of failures of any organization. T he ma nager of an organization must set ob jectives, goals, targets, strategies and develop plans to complete t h e project successfully or to ac hieve success ultimate goals set i nitially, otherwise, the b usi ness can not b e successful at the end. A ma nagemen t pla n may fail eit her due to poor ma nagement or t he mai n plan is not set objectively, realistic or according to market demands and needs t hat require innovative, updated...