What Goes On A Balance Sheet In Accounting
A Balance Sheet shows financial position of a business at a particular time in a specified date. It is very important financial statement for the Users of Financial Statements because it provides reliable information that is Material to them.
A balance sheet consists of Assets, Liabilities and Equity. It Has two Sides. One is Assets Side and other one is Liabilities And Equity Side. Assets are the Useful resources for the business owned by it. Assets are further categorized
as Current Assets And Fixed Assets / Non Current Tangible Assets And Intangible Assets. Assets are Listed on Balance Sheet In The Order of Liquidity i.e. the most liquid asset comes first and then next most liquid asset and so on. Cash is the most liquid asset, so it comes first while Goodwill comes last as it has less liquidity as compare to other assets.
On Liabilities And Equity Side, firstly, Liabilities are shown then Equity. Liabilities are further listed under Current Liability and Long-Term Liabilities / Non Current Liabilities. Finally Equity section comes which consists of Retained Earnings, Share Capital, etc. calculated by preparing Equity T-Account or Ledger.
Example / Sample Of Balance Sheet Format
ABC. Co.
Balance Sheet / Statement of Financial Position
As On 31st December, 2017
Assets Liabilities & Equity
Rs. Rs.
Current Assets XXX Current Liabilities XXX
Non Current Assets XXX Non Current Liabilities XXX
Intangible Assets XXX Total Liabilities XXX
_______ ________
Total Assets XXX ________
_______ Equity XXX
Total Liabilities & Equity XXX
The total of Assets side must be equal to the total of Liabilities & Equity Side, otherwise, the Balance Sheet is not prepared correctly. As According To the Accounting Equation.