Is Debit or Credit Positive (Plus) Or Negative (Minus) In Accounting
Is Debit Positive or Negative In Accounting
A debit or credit may be positive (plus) or negative (minus) for an Account depending upon the favorable or unfavorable side or balance of an account. Accounts (Assets and Expenses), which have normal, unusual or positive balance on debit side of a ledger account, have positive debit balance or positive debit side while for other accounts (Revenues, Liabilities and Equity), the debit is negative for theses accounts as debit is not favorable for these accounts.
Is Credit Positive or Negative In Accounting
Similarly, a credit is positive for those accounts (Revenues, Liabilities and Equity) which have credit favorable balance or credit favorable side in the ledger account while a credit is negative for those account (Assets and Expenses) which have credit unfavorable
balance or credit unfavorable side in a ledger account.