What Are Credit Purchases In Accounting - Explanation With Examples

Credit Purchases (CP) Definition And Meaning
Credit means in Purchases is that you buy goods without paying to seller and agree with him to make payment within the specified time period.When goods are purchased by the business on Credit or on Account for reselling purposes, then we can say that Credit Purchases take place in Accounting. Like Purchases, credit Purchases include both services and supplies but these are created on account or credit. Due to it, two parties Accounts Receivable and Accounts Payable are created that is a Current Liability for the buyer who will pay to seller or supplier after specified time period From the point view of buyer’s business, he records CP while
from seller or supplier’s business it is a Credit Sales and record Accounts Receivable as a Current Asset in the Accounts Receivable Subsidiary Ledger.
CP Journal Entry
Example: Let say that Mr. A purchased 2 tables from Mr. B for Rs. 10000 (Each Rs. 5000) on account, then Mr. A is the buyer and he is liable to pay Mr. B, Rs. 10000 on Due Date or Before
due date.
Purchases Account 10000
Mr. B
(Purchased Tables from Mr. B On Account)
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The Concept of Accrual Basis of Accounting emphasizes on Credit Purchases and say that it should be recorded as soon as it incurs whether the cash is paid or not.
Purchases Day Book is used to record Journal Entries related to CP. These Journal entries are transferred to Purchase T Account or Ledger and then this Ledger is also closed to Income Statement or Trading & Profit And Loss Account at the end of Accounting Period. Credit purchases is shown on the credit side of purchases ledger control account as it increases the liability account.
Credit Purchases Debit Or Credit
As Credit Purchases is a direct expense, so it has no balance. However, when it incurs, we debit it and when we close it to Income Statement, then we credit it.
Purchases Outward and Return from Suppliers as we purchase goods from our supplier on credit or account and to whom we returned the goods due to valid reasons such as damaged goods, defective goods, etc.
Another Name For Credit Purchases
CP Shown In The Balance Sheet Or Income Statement
Basically, CP is recorded in the Income Statement or Profit And Loss Account. As these are Contra Expense Accounts, so these deducted from Total Purchases and since these are not having any balance so, these are closed at the end of the accounting. So, these are not shown on the balance Sheet.
So, we can say that Credit purchases are the goods purchased by the business on Account or Credit from Suppliers and which is a direct expense for the business incurred in order to earn
revenue necessary for the running of the business.